Monday, 20 March 2017

Eight Excellent Benefits of Magnesium Oil

Magnesium is a mineral that offers an exceptionally wide range of benefits to your body. What is surprising is that it is also one of the most overlooked minerals, as many people are simply not aware of its medicinal value and amazing healing properties. In fact, a significant percentage of the world’s population actually has magnesium deficiency. 

One of the best ways to combat the problem of magnesium deficiency is to apply magnesium oil directly on your skin. There are two important reasons why it is a better option than taking oral supplements. Firstly, magnesium supplements are known to cause side effects like diarrhea, which is one of the reasons why many people are hesitant to take them regularly. Secondly, your skin can absorb magnesium a lot quicker than your digestive tract. So, you can get better, faster results than you would otherwise by taking supplements orally. 

Let us now take a look at the many health benefits of magnesium oil.

1.                  It has analgesic properties and reduces muscle and nerve pain to a great extent. It also relaxes your muscles and stimulates blood flow to the affected body part. The oil can be used to treat a wide range of problems – from localized back and joint pain to persistent conditions like tendonitis and carpel tunnel syndrome.

2.                  It can also reduce muscle soreness and inflammation significantly. Athletes are known to use magnesium based topical applications and supplements to repair and relax muscles after heavy workouts or games. Its muscle relaxant and anti-inflammation properties are the reason why magnesium oil is widely used in spas and massage parlors.

3.                  It can control sebum secretion and reduce acne. It can even be used to treat the symptoms of skin disorders like eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis.

4.                  It can control hair loss by preventing the formation of calcium deposits on your scalp. Calcium deposits restrict the blood flow to your hair follicles, which results in reduced nutrient flow. It increases the risk of hair loss significantly. Magnesium oil prevents calcium deposits and also increases the blood flow to the scalp, which stimulates hair growth.

5.                  It can reduce plaque buildup, prevent gum diseases, and improve your overall oral hygiene.

6.                  It calms your nerves and helps you deal with stress and anxiety better. Studies show that magnesium can relax the GABA receptors in the brain, which helps you feel relaxed and sleep better.

7.                  Diabetic patients generally have low levels of magnesium, as it gets depleted from their body a lot quicker than in case of non-diabetic people. Studies show that low levels of magnesium in the body are often associated with conditions like decreased insulin secretion, insulin resistance, and reduced glucose tolerance. Regular intake of magnesium is one of the most effective ways to correct insulin sensitivity. Simply put, magnesium oil is a god-send for diabetics.

8.                  Magnesium is known to widen the arteries by relaxing the musculature in the walls, which results in lower blood pressure. Studies show that magnesium, when taken regularly, can regulate cardiac rhythm and lower systolic as well as diastolic blood pressure. So, people suffering from hypertension can benefit immensely from magnesium supplementation, preferably in the form of a topical application like oil, as it is far more effective than dietary supplements. 

How to Choose the Best Magnesium Oil

The first thing you need to know about magnesium based oil is that it is not exactly oil in the truest sense. It is just a solution of magnesium chloride dissolved in water. Since the solution is viscous and has an oily texture, it is called so.

There are two factors you need to consider while choosing a magnesium based oil.

First – the water used should be pure. If it has any contaminants, it could affect the efficiency of the oil and can also lead to various complications.

Second – the magnesium chloride or magnesium chloride hexa hydrate salt used in the oil should also be pure and should not contain even the tiniest trace of heavy metals like arsenic and bromides.

Basically, the magnesium oil you buy should be 100% pure and natural. You can apply it regularly on your scalp, face, as well as body to treat and prevent a wide range of diseases and improve your overall health.